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New Support Contracts coming soon !

New Support Contracts coming soon !

You have spent lots of time, energy and money on a new brand new website, don’t let it get outdated !

These days, website software is continually being tweaked and enhanced to produce more visually appealing effects and useful tools to help with the running of your business.

The software we use here at Fletcher Technology is often updated, sometimes on a monthly basis, with minor bug fixes, or little enhancements, and then usually, a major upgrade will happen, at least once a year.

To ensure that our client websites are easily maintainable, and also “supportable” by us, we will be creating an “add-on” service to our annual hosting fees, which will cover the work involved in upgrading your website with the software upgrades as and when they are released.

This will give you the satisfaction of knowing that your website is running at its most efficient, with the latest software.

More information coming soon…